Enigmatic. Who knew that a word that literally means mysterious would help me solve a mystery I didn't even know existed. March 14, 2019. The hour had arrived to present our imaginary presidential candidate to students and admin in hopes of them electing ours over the other group's. It was the culmination of a month long AP gov project. Our group had scraped together a backstory, political stance, and campaign for this man--an African-American-to-appeal-to-liberals, male-to-appeal-to-conservatives man--Winfield Burnes couldn't fail us now. Our presentation went smoothly, as our group was well rehearsed, until the questions. "How is your candidate different from your opponent's?" Unsurprisingly, our liberal-heavy class had run eerily similar candidates; it seemed as though the only difference between them was their gender and the color of their skin. The opposing group went first. "Our candidate is charismatic, hard working, intelligent, enigma...
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